Events 2023
We are running two social events in the summer months.
The first being a fundraiser event in June, Pimms, Strawberries and Cream tournament for adults. Entry free is £8.00 which goes towards the club funds.
The second event is a bring your own picnic and tournament, for both adult and junior, free for all members in July. This event is to encourage members to come down with their picnics, enjoy the (hopefully) sunny weather with a tournament for those who want to play.
More details for both events are below along with other important dates for your diary.
2023 Dates for you diary
Club clear up day
1 April
*2023/2024 Membership Renewal Date*
FHLTC Open Day
Pimms, Strawberries & Cream Event - Fundraiser for the Club
Bring your own Picnic - free members event with optional Tennis
Club Tennis Finals Day